So as you know, the entire Sandswept team has been MIA lately working super hard on our next project. We know you guys will love it so much, we just can’t stand waiting to share it with you guys any longer :D
It’s the zombie survival you and your friends have been waiting for. Behold, survivor,
The Dead Linger.
We’ll let the website explain the rest. Head on over to The Dead Linger to check out more concept art, story lines, forums, and more!
If you’re one of those Reddit types, don’t forget to check us out at /r/tdl!
The zombie genre has died. We’re bringing it back from the dead.
If you’ve been around recently, we may have seemed a bit silent on going-ons. The entire Sandswept team has NOT disappeared. We’ve just been working super hard on our next game, making it extra awesome for you guys and gals! I can’t wait until we announce it and we can hear all of your feedback and suggestions! It’s gonna be huge!
As far as DETOUR goes, we should have our Dev Vlog 2 up in the near future, so be sure to stay on the lookout for that! Speaking of, I need more people to school me in DETOUR ;). Did anyone hear about the 2v2 game where Zag and I were teammates? I started blowing up his roads. Yeah … not my finest moment. Hit me up on Steam and show me how its done!
Social Stuffs
Keep in mind our Facebook giveaway is still going on! We are soo close to reaching our 100th fan and giving away free copies of DETOUR! How awesome is that? We must really love you guys :). Its super easy to enter, too! All you have to do is “Like” us on Facebook, and you’re done! Not to mention, that way you’ll be able to keep up with all of Sandswept’s news via Facebook - convenient! (Another way to keep up with everything we’re doing - Follow us on Twitter! @Sandswept ).
Your Evil Overlord
I’m super happy to be Sandswept’s Community Overlord, and I’m here to answer any questions and hear your comments/suggestions! (Check out my welcome thread ). Also, feel free to add me on Facebook and follow me on Twitter @FisforFemme )! I love hearing what awesome things you have to say about Sandswept and DETOUR :). And don’t forget Steam so you guys can kick my butt at DETOUR ;) (Femmeh).
So keep gaming and be prepared for the awesome things that Sandswept has in store for you Legionnaires.
Pardon our dust!
Due to exactly 7 people asking for the DETOUR OST, we have decided to release it for the awesome low price of FREE! This is our way of saying thank-you to all our awesome fans for picking up DETOUR!
You can also go ahead and tell your friends to download our music! (We hear it’s what all the cool people do, I can’t see why so many companies are against it! It’s baffling, really.)
DETOUR is 50% off this week during the Steam Summer Camp Sale! In American, that would be $4.99 for a single copy, and $14.99 for a 4-pack! Pick it up for you and all your camp-mates!
Did we mention there’s bombs and stuff? It’s such a great multiplayer game. Get it with some friends and you too can have the DETOUR experience in which you experience DETOUR.
You can also jump over to our forums and sign up for an exclusive forum achievable to early Sandswept Legion members! (Merit badge?)
Hello again and welcome to the exciting land of wonder that is our news feed here on! … You’re not excited? Whatever. We’re excited. Why? Because we’re releasing patch 1.2 for DETOUR! With this patch, we’re rolling out what is to be the final DETOUR updates for the perceivable future. We’re patching up what we consider to be the main problem issues, along with the addition of Achievements, truck themes, and a couple balance tweaks!
This update will be live TODAY, so go right ahead and download it (if you haven’t already) and get back in there. Beat up your friends, it’s what any good friend would do.
You could read the full list of changes below. Enjoy!
DETOUR v1.2 Patch Notes
- 28 Achievements have been added to DETOUR! You can view the full list of achievements here;
- Truck Themes added! You can now stylize your trucks! Themes unlock when you acquire certain achievements. You can change your truck theme in the multiplayer lobby.
- GAME MECHANIC CHANGE: Building on a recently destroyed tile will now have a longer cooldown for the player who previously owned it. (4 second cooldown instead of 2 for every one else)
- Symmetry modes in the map editor are now correctly labeled
- Some memory usage has been decreased, we are no longer loading certain images in the background
- Wetlands water now displays properly
- Lobby ready signal should not longer be out of sync with clients and host
- Turrets now properly lock out at the max limit of 3
- Neutral turrets placed in map editor are now properly claimable in game
- Text chat dropshadow removed, no longer double stacked. Text chat should look much cleaner now.
- Trucks no longer treat tunnels like road when pathing, and will not longer remain stuck near turrets if there is another route.
- Party leader can no longer be changed in lobbies via menu option. Party leader only auto-switches to another player when host leaves the lobby.
- Character heads on Challenge screen are no longer too high on some resolutions.
- Merger mode has been removed until it functions as intended.
- Trucks to Win no longer carries over from singleplayer challenges to multiplayer lobbies (which was causing trucks to win default to be 3, instead of 10)
- Scanner Towers cost 5 credits down from 9.
- Police and Nail popped-tire announcements no longer claim you are the victim of the attack when you are not.
- Air turrets will no longer shoot down bombs of players on the same team.
A few of you may notice a few less achievements than we promised originally. We can simply say it will all be for the best. Reducing the number of achievements to implement gives us that much of a head start on what’s coming next.
And with that, we are going dark for just a short while. We are preparing something… Nefarious, under the hood. Our next project is going to be something completely different, and completely massive, in every sense of the word. We are just now getting into it, full swing, with all our effort focused on one goal. Making that game you want most.
You’ll know it when you see it. Keep your eyes peeled.
It’s been an incredible and ridiculous two weeks since we released DETOUR! There have been some crazy bumps, bugs, and so forth. But of course, we like focusing on the good stuff. And good stuff there is. On top of the ridiculous fun, DETOUR released in a state some would call… Ridiculously buggy. But those bugs are being squashed left and right. Today marks the first milestone in Operation: Make DETOUR Work Properly and Add Cool Stuff. DETOUR Version 1.1 has rolled out on Steam today, and all shall be wonderfully delighted at the changes in store. Not including all of the little things we’ve fixed, here is a list of the major changes, for your listful eyes.
DETOUR v1.1 Patch Notes
- Trucks no longer act strangely in multiplayer games. This is a very large fix and should smooth over the entire multiplayer experience.
- Random/Rare crashes some users were experiencing should no longer happen.
- Numpad keys should now work in text chat.
- Choose Team button now shows up properly in lobby when host has selected a team gametype.
- Sound should no longer default to 0, and sound preferences should maintain properly.
- Truck bubble cooldown increased from 18 seconds to 30 seconds.
- Nail cooldown increased from 15 seconds to 26 seconds.
- Holding backspace key now properly deletes characters in text chat.
- Rare error where player would be in the wrong factory on a Singleplayer Challenge.
- Graphics option added for “Use Hardware Mouse”, for players experiencing sluggish mouse cursor movement in the menus and game.
- Forest now has the proper item description in map editor.
- Player is now returned to Challenges menu after a challenge is completed.
- Certain challenge descriptions no longer pour over the edges of the menu.
- Lots of fixes involving different resolutions. This includes the hovering ‘tell-tales’ above trucks (pulled over, popped tire, EMP icons) now show up properly over the truck they are marking.
- Pressing T and Y in game no longer clears announcements and text chat already on screen.
Your multiplayer experience (you know, the one where you and 3 of your friends beat the tar out of eachother) will be better than ever! Remember, you can always pick up a 4-pack of DETOUR on the Steam store for you and your friends! (Or 4 random strangers!)
Here are some things we plan to address soon here-after.
- Various bug fixes and other issues we’d like to address
- Steam Achievements!
- Unlockable Truck Themes for use in multiplayer! (Via unlocking the Steam Achievements)
And last but not least, we can not thank those enough for selflessly have laid their gameplay experiences on the line to pick up DETOUR, submit feedback, report bugs, and help make it a better experience for the entire world.
Pick up a copy (or four! discounted 4-Pack now available!) and let the rockets fly! Play it with friends, play it with foes, play it with siblings, parents, or bros! Don’t miss this experience of a lifetime that you can have in your lifetime!
There’s so much to cover, so we’ll try our best through the day. Let’s just reiterate. You could be playing DETOUR in under 20 minutes, we’re not kidding. Go pick it up! It’s an amazing multiplayer game! Get your friends to pick it up too, they’ve earned it!
Share this link!
Youtube Description:Now available on Steam! Buy it here!
DETOUR is an exciting construction-based war game in which players pit their minds and their might against one another in order to safely guide a hapless delivery truck across a deadly battlefield! With DETOUR, Sandswept Studios puts a colorful twist on the RTS genre, creating a game that is both simple to learn, and complex to master — like a chess game with bombs! DETOUR sports endless amounts of unique strategies, a built-in map editor, AI opponents, 5 distinct modes of play, 27 singleplayer challenges, unlockables, online play, an epic soundtrack, and much, much more!
Key Features:
- 4-player multiplayer/coop
- 5 distinct game modes
- AI opponents
- Easy to learn, complex to master
- Built-in, easy to use map editor with map sharing
- 27 singleplayer challenges
- Unlockable visual truck themes
Let the carnage begin!
Become a fan, subscribe to our channel, and join the growing Sandswept Legion at!
We wish you all the best experience in the very first game from Sandswept Studios (That’s us!). Swing by the forums if you run into any first-day woes, questions, need assistance, or anything of that sort! We’ll be supporting, fixing, and assisting you through the day to ensure the launch goes smoothly! Register on the forums right now and you’ll receive a little something special!
Happy playing, happy posting, and Pardon Our Dust! See you online!
The population of an endangered species is dwindling on this planet we call Earth. We humans have neglected them for far too long, and their numbers are now dying out. Fairly soon there won’t be many left at all. Yes, I speak of the ever-declining Hippy population.
Will you help us save them? Hippy If this isn’t a hybrid, the irony is going to be so funny or something, man.
And now, we present the eco-friendly, entirely edible and bio-degradable wallpapers, for your consumption, or lining on your natural, soy-based compost bin. 800×600 - 1280×1024 - 1440×900 (Wide) - 1920×1080 (HD Wide)
DETOUR - 10% Off!
Now that we’ve balanced our pink-to-flower ratio of trucks, we have some news you simply must read.
DETOUR releases May 16th. That’s in like, not that many days. Purchasing DETOUR on Steam during the first week will result in knocking 10% off the price! Pick it up then! That’s like 9 bucks, instead of 10 bucks! Who else would give you a game 1 dollar off during the first week? We would. That’s who. Buy yourself a candy bar. You’ve earned it. And then buy DETOUR. You’ve earned that too.
Ah yes. So someone had this theory that girls played video games, and we’re not really in a position to argue about video games and who plays them. We just make them. So for all the ‘girls’ out there, we made a truck for you, and we think you’re going to like it.
Like, totally. Girly Oh, I looooove pink!
Do you?
While we were out shopping at our favorite shoe outlets, we picked up these cute (pronounced caaa-yooot) little wallpapers. They come in 3 distinct colors; fuchsia, fandango, and cerise. If you download them now, you’ll find a hint of puce to highlight this wonderful display. 800×600 - 1280×1024 - 1440×900 (Wide) - 1920×1080 (HD Wide)
DETOUR - 10% Off!
Hold on, you’re not going anywhere yet. Read this.
DETOUR releases May 16th. That’s in like, not that many days. Purchasing DETOUR on Steam during the first week will result in knocking 10% off the price! Pick it up then! That’s like 8 bucks, instead of 10 bucks! Who else would give you a game 2 dollars off during the first week? We would. That’s who.