Hello Legionnaires!
You guys and girls are awesome! We’ve reached 258% with $154,968 and 4,218 backers within the 30 days our Kickstarter was active! Thanks to you, we’ve been able to have a few members of our team go full time. Now we can dedicate the next 6 months to heads-down development.
For those of you that pledged, you will be receiving an email with a Kickstarter survey so we know how to distribute your rewards, so be on the look out for that.
Because we’ve had so much success with our Kickstarter, we’ve decided to extend our PayPal donations to May 9th! You can pledge any amount up to $500 and receive the same Kickstarter rewards! This will be your last chance to donate before the Alpha comes out.
We cannot thank you enough for your pledges and support!
Pardon our dust!