I’ve been sick for the past few days, so when looking over the next trucks to write about, this one seemed completely fitting. It’s gross, it’s green, and it looks like the stuff you’d find dribbling down my throat at 3 AM. Oh, that’s just disgusting.
Radioactive goo or delicious cake frosting? You be the judge.

They said transporting this stuff is dangerous. We don’t see how that’s possible. The driver is perfectly safe in there!
Feel like transporting something dangerous, or just into gas masks? This truck is definitely for you.
And just like that, we sneezed out some wallpapers for you as well. Feel free to wipe these all over your friends. They’re 100% safe. None of the three-eyed test bunnies were complaining.
800×600 - 1280×1024 - 1440×900 (Wide) - 1920×1080 (HD Wide)
More trucks on the way! DETOUR is almost finished!
Pardon Our Sickness!

Yes indeed, audience. That time of year has come. You all have waited for it. February 14th. We all know what this day holds. A special event of love and compassion, shared with the one closest to us, unrivaled by any event of the year… It’s a truck update, of course!
Oh, and something about Valentine’s Day?
Will you be mine?

Each comes with a thoughtfully printed card you can use to apologize to the police when you’re pulled over.
You know, we really should’ve made a Valentires pun in here or something. Bah, too late. Our love is in the pipe. Or is the pipe? … Don’t over-think that.
Share these. Like you share your heart. Wallpapers for you and your significant other. Or just you.
800×600 - 1280×1024 - 1440×900 (Wide) - 1920×1080 (HD Wide)
If you don’t have someone to share this with, then just curl up with a nice cup of hot chocolate and read our truck updates. It’s like Sandswept is giving you a gift every week or two. That’s better than most relationships, right? … Right?
Don’t worry. Your heart is in good hands. We’re gonna love you forever and ever.
Pardon Our Love! <3

“A declaration unto the wastrels and all manner of peasantry from his majesty the Crease,
Wither to whence thou hath wandered, ye may wander atwinder the lands of DETOUR in any multitudinous manners of thine choosing. Behold, thine Medieval truck!”
The Medieval truck came into conception as a prelude to a now defunct concept for our next project. It now stands as an epitaph, as we move on to bigger, better, and scarier things. You, however, get to enjoy this truck in DETOUR! That is, after you unlock it.

Verily, this transport doth bring all thine gentlemen to the stables.
By my trowth, these wallpapers are incredible! All manner of size found below.
800×600 - 1280×1024 - 1440×900 (Wide) - 1920×1080 (HD Wide)
And now we closeth this noble tale. Stay tunedethed for the next trucks that come yonder. Okay, I give up talking like this.
Pardon Our Dust!